Boxing Coach is just like having your own boxing coach calling out combinations.Features:• Multi-language support• Workout configuration (round length, rest length, warning bell, etc.)• Stance configuration (orthodox or southpaw)• Enable or disable boxing coach• Combination length (up to 3 hits)• Difficulty configuration (very easy, easy, normal*, hard*, very hard*)• And much more!
Techniques included:• Offense (jab, cross, hook, uppercut, etc.)• Body shots• Defense* (block, split, etc.)• Body defense*• Faint movements* (fake, tap, etc.)• Movement* (roll, pivot, etc.)• And much more!
Supported languages:• English• Spanish• More coming soon!
Boxing Coach is an essential tool for boxing and boxing timer can help you even if you don't use boxing coach features.
* Only available in full version